At a Regular Meeting of the Common Council of the City of Plattsburgh, New York held January 2, 2020 the following was approved:
RESOLVED: In accordance with the request therefore the Common Council approves the City Clerk to revise the Street Solicitation Resolution approved on March 12, 2009 to read:
RESOLVED that the following conditions, rules, and process apply from this date forward:
1. Street Solicitations are permitted at the following locations only:
U.S. Avenue - Peru Street - South Platt - South Peru Street
Beekman Street - Cornelia Street
Margaret Street at Sailly Avenue and Boynton Avenue
2. Street Solicitations may be conducted on Saturdays only and shall be limited to two (2) per month throughout the period May
through September. Consideration will be given to requests from registered non-profit/not-for-profit associations or organizations on a first-come, first-served basis. No organization may request more than one street solicitation date within a calendar year.
3. No "rain dates" may be reserved and no dates will be assigned which would result in street solicitations occurring on
consecutive Saturdays.
4. Participants must be sixteen years of age or older and must carry, wear, or display materials, signs, or badges, etc. identifying their organization. Organizations shall request, pick up, and return an appropriate number of "safety cones" from the Public
Works Department for placement between the lanes, 2 per street, approaching the intersections so as to adequately warn
motorists to the activity occurring. The fee for cone usage will be waived for Street Solicitations.
5. Street solicitations shall be permitted only between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.
6. An organization must apply on the form provided by the City Clerk at least four (4) weeks in advance of the requested date and will be given a copy of this resolution and a sketch of the permitted intersections and locations.
7. Organization must submit an appropriate certificate of insurance in accordance with the City's existing requirements for "Users of Facilities".
Dates will be confirmed only upon receipt of the required insurance certificate, and after notice to the Police Department and
Common Council by the City Clerk.
By Councilor McFarlin; Seconded by Councilor Gibbs
Roll call: Councilors Barbell, Kelly, Gibbs, DeDominicas, McFarlin, Moore
(Councilors Barbell, Kelly, Gibbs, DeDominicas, Moore voted in the affirmative. Councilor McFarlin voted in the negative)
May 24
June 7
June 21
July 12August 9
August 23
NOTE: Applications will not be accepted before February 1. Please be sure to complete the event application.