2023 Sound Production for City Events

Bid Recipient

Date Posted: March 9th 2023

Application Deadline: March 16th 2023 @ 4:00PM

Please send applications to:

Plattsburgh City Hall

Attn: Courtney Meisenheimer

41 City Hall Place

Plattsburgh, NY



The City of Plattsburgh is seeking a Sound Production Team for events in 2023. Please note that applicants are not required to send a proposal for ALL events to be successful. However, it would be preferred that applicants are able to fulfill at least three events.

Please include the following information in your proposal:

  1. Credentials/Experience (years of sound production) of all production team members. Minimum of two years of experience /education preferred.
  2. Cost for sound production per event.  Please indicate cost of sound production for each individual event:
    1. Parks Come Alive #1
    2. Fourth of July Celebration
    3. Mayor’s Cup Concert at the City Beach
    4. Parks Come Alive #2
    5. Parks Come Alive #3
    6. Lake City Arts Festival
    7. Miracle on Margaret Street (Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting)


Below is a list of performances where sound production is needed.

  1. Parks Come Alive #1: Thursday June 8th from 4:30PM-7:30PM at Peter Blumette Park. Sound provided for a small ensemble band to be projected into the park. Sound will run off of a generator.
  2. Fourth of July Celebration: Tuesday July 4th from approx. 10AM to 9PM at City Hall. Sound provided for parade announcements from 12:30-2:30 and for two musical performances from approx 6:30-9:00PM.
  3. Mayor’s Cup Concert: Saturday July 8th at Plattsburgh City Beach Stage. Sound provided for the band to be projected onto the Beach Lawn from approx 5:30PM-8:30PM.
  4. Parks Come Alive #2: Thursday July 13th from 4:30PM-7:30PM at Melissa Penfield Park. Sound provided for a small ensemble band to be projected into the park. Sound will run off of a generator.
  5. Parks Come Alive #3: Thursday August 10th from 4:30PM-7:30PM at South Acres Park. Sound provided for a small ensemble band to be projected into the park. Sound will run off of a generator.
  6. Lake City Arts Festival: Saturday August 26th in Trinity park. Sound provided from 12:00PM to approx 6:00PM for multiple stage performances.
  7. Miracle on Margaret Street: Saturday December 2nd from 5:00PM-8:00PM. Sound for MC on stage in downtown Plattsburgh. Sound to project as far as possible to allow parade-goers to hear announcements and sound for performance following the parade. Sound will run off of a generator.      
Publication Date/Time
Closing Date/Time
Contact Person
Courtney Meisenheimer
Pre-bid Meeting
Business Hours