High Occupancy Rental Registry


City of Plattsburgh, NY Rental Registration 


Pursuant to the City of Plattsburgh Rental Registry Law, the owner of each building containing High Occupancy Rental Units* shall register the building with the City Code Enforcement Office. UNREGISTERED RENTAL PROPERTIES ARE UNLAWFUL.

Permits will be issued for any residential rental dwelling subject to the Rental Registry Law upon the owner making application and certifying under oath and subject to perjury that said dwelling is in compliance with all applicable City and State Codes, Statutes, Laws, Ordinances and regulations. At the request of and with the consent of the owner, the Code Enforcement Official shall inspect the property for compliance within the life of the permit.

A permit is valid for 3 Years from the date of approval. A renewal permit must be submitted 3 months prior to expiration of a permit. After an application is approved an inspection date and time will be scheduled. All fees must be paid for a permit to be approved. Owners with multiple properties must submit an application for each property. A Rental Registry Permit is not transferable to a new owner. In the event of a sale or other transaction a new permit must be applied for by the new owner within 5 business days of a transaction. 

The applicant is advised that, in addition to any other remedies available under the law, any owner of a property which contains a building with High Occupancy Rental Units* who fails to comply with the minimum requirements of the City of Plattsburgh Rental Registry Law, must comply by applying for and obtaining a Rental Permit pursuant to the City of Plattsburgh Rental Registry Law, and given probable cause are subject to revocation or nonrenewal. Furthermore, the owner shall also be subject to all penalties set forth in said City of Plattsburgh Rental Registry Law.


* The following examples shall be considered High Occupancy Rental Units - Rental of single family residence or units within a duplex to more than four unrelated individuals who do not otherwise qualify as a “family” or “functional equivalent of a family”, or the  rental of multi-family dwelling units.


  • 3 Year Rental Permit:  $100/Unit (Initial Inspection and 2 follow up inspections included) Or $40/ Unit/year for 3 years    
  • Re-inspection after 2 failed follow ups:  $50/visit
  • Missed Inspection date/time: $50/property (without 24 hour notice)


Local law:  https://ecode360.com/36667889

Printable application: Application for Registration of Rental Housing.pdf

This application may also be found in Building Inspector Forms on this webpage.